in ideas

Ideas to make your own Halloween costume at home

We offer you ideas to make your own Halloween costume at home, you do not need to invest a lot of money to get the outfit you want, just follow these tips and you will look spooky.

Get inspiration

The first thing is that you define what type of costume you would like to wear. On Halloween there are those who opt for funny and funny outfits, others are really serious about the idea of โ€‹โ€‹scaring and looking creepy, but there are those who take the opportunity to become their favorite characters.

Now it’s much easier, thanks to the internet and social networks, you can find ideas in other’s costumes and make your own version or come up with something completely original.

Individual costume, couple or group?

As you read it, now people also manage to generate a greater impact with their costumes when they are complementary to what other people wear.

For example, what would Little Red Riding Hood be without the Big Bad Wolf? And SpongeBob without Patrick?

But that’s not all, if you have a group of friends as willing as you to dress up and cause a sensation, they can become the Power Rangers gang, the Ninja Turtles, the Money Heist robbers or the irreplaceable Addams Family.

Take advantage of what you have at home

Sometimes it is often easier to make a costume from what you have at home than to take an idea and try to create it later, as it can be frustrating that you are missing essential accessories. Although everything can be improvised, you will have to spend more time and effort to achieve it.

For example, you wouldn’t want to consider dressing up as Captain Hook if you don’t have a prop hook at home, unless you have the time and materials to improvise your own.

It can also be helpful to find a character that bears a certain resemblance to you, that way you can achieve the impact you want without sacrificing too much. For example, if you are a girl with red hair, it would be better for you to dress up as The Little Mermaid, Jessica Rabbit or even Poison Eve, rather than Jasmine, Rapunzel or Merlina.

With this we do not want to limit your inspiration or limit you, we only provide you with ideas so that you can create a good costume with what you have at home.

While it is true that you could buy a wig in any color you want, for example, ideally you should be able to wear the one you bought years ago or make it yourself with the materials you have.

Original or popular?

To be truly original, your costume should not be worn by anyone else, at least at the event you are attending, but if that does not worry you and your intention is to have a good time, you can choose any outfit that you like and wear it in the best possible way.

It is very difficult for you to get a costume that no one has ever imitated, unless it is really complex or the product of your own invention, in any case we encourage you to try it because we know that creativity has no limits.

Don’t limit yourself

When it comes to making your own costume at home there are no rules or limitations. For example, who says all hippies have to wear flared pants?

You can improvise a look with a dress if you are a woman or shorts if you are a man and get the look you are looking for anyway.

Anything you have at home can be used, the key is to use it creatively to turn it into what your look needs.

If you have an event coming up and you haven’t created your costume yet, get to work. It is better to wear a simple outfit than not to dress up or miss the party.

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